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The Ghost Candidate
One minute, they’re enthusiastic, promising, and responsive. The next? *Poof!* Gone. No calls, no emails, no texts. Did they get abducted by aliens? Did they fall into a void? We may never know.
The Vanishing Job
You’re 2 weeks into screening candidates, you’ve enthusiastically pitched the company to everyone in sight and have found the perfect person, only to hear: “Oh, this role is on hold til Q1 2025”. It’s like spending ages on the perfect costume based on a current cultural reference for a Halloween party, only to find out it was canceled.
The Post-contract offer Decline
You find the perfect person (usually for a bananas requirement) - you got them through the interview process, they accepted the offer and signed the contract. They start in 1 week and you haven’t heard from them for 2 weeks but I mean … that’s fine, right? Everyone is busy those last few weeks in a job writing up handovers? But then you get an email at 5:35pm on the Friday before they start. “Hi, I have accepted another job offer” (this person is taxonomically close to the ghost candidate)
The endless Interview Process
You thought it was a three-round interview. It’s not. They had the intro chat and the technical but now the Founder wants them to speak to the Product team to see if there’s a culture fit. And actually, can they do a quick 30 minute presentation of a past project? And the Engineering Manager really needs them to speak to the office dog. And it goes on forever. And we cry.
“We want to benchmark against those already in the process”
You’ve already sent 5 solid profiles - the role is a niche nightmare. You’ve 3 people at final round who are all escape risks because they have other final rounds. The client says “yeah, we really like those people but we’d just like to have a bit of benchmark”
It's like being in a horror movie where the villain keeps coming back. But in this case, the villain is indecision. Pleeease just pick someone.
I’m sure you’ve all had spooky recruiter things happen - as an industry, we’re no stranger to being ghosts for sure! Hopefully here at nineDots, we’re less scary than most.